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Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Chris Bujak • Sep 07, 2021

Do you believe the old cliché “you cannot have your cake and eat it too”? Or has someone said “You cannot have quality and speed at the same time”? Let's explore this further! You can have faster, easier, less costly processes with better quality. This is often solved by examining your work processes. Don’t slow them down by adding numerous inspections or approvals. Look for two simple wastes - where the defects exist and where you are searching for any of the needed resources.


Start with some good ingredients: an effective work process, an understanding of where those defects exist and why, some good standardized work, and sprinkle liberally with some mistake proofing. Make work intuitive as to how to do it right the first time* or even impossible to do it wrong. Cycle time and cost will go down and quality will go up! And you can eat all the cake you want and it never goes away!


Speed, Quality, and Lower Costs together. 


Let's slice it up and put it on the plate: 

One slice at a time! This is great for being focused, getting deep, and fixing 1 item. There are improvement methods and techniques to get one result: 🍰 🍰 


The entire cake is on your plate!

Understanding all variables and using improvement methods can enable fixing many slices together. Some improvement methods that help you create speed, quality, and lower costs together: 🎂Process mapping, 🎂 Kaizen, 🎂 Value Engineering/Design for Excellence, 🎂 Six Sigma.


Some of our customer's results:

speed quality low costs together

*Zero defects performance standards book: Quality is Still Free: Making Quality Certain in Uncertain Times, by Philip B. Crosby

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